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Qniepen Bumz Eco

Bells Bumz Eco Cloth Breast Pads and Reusable Facial Round Cloth Nappies Bells bumz reusable breast pads nursing pads cloth nursing pads cloth breast pads reusable nursing pads breast feeding  reusable breast pads nursing pads cloth nursing pads cloth breast pads reusable nursing pads breast feeding  reusable breast pads nursing pads cloth nursing pads cloth breast pads reusable nursing pads breast feeding  reusable breast pads nursing pads cloth nursing pads cloth breast pads reusable nursing pads breast feeding  reusable breast pads nursing pads cloth nursing pads cloth breast pads reusable nursing pads breast feeding  reusable breast pads nursing pads cloth nursing pads cloth breast pads reusable nursing pads breast feeding  reusable breast pads nursing pads cloth nursing pads cloth breast pads reusable nursing pads breast feeding  reusable breast pads nursing pads cloth nursing pads cloth breast pads reusable nursing pads breast feeding  reusable breast pads nursing pads cloth
Bells Bumz Eco Reusable Kitchen Roll Bells bumz  cloth wipes reusable cloth wipes soft cloth wipes washable wipes cheeky wipes  cloth wipes reusable cloth wipes soft cloth wipes washable wipes cheeky wipes  reusable kitchen roll unpaper towels cloth wipes reusable cloth wipes soft cloth wipes washable wipes cheeky wipes  cloth wipes reusable cloth wipes soft cloth wipes washable wipes cheeky wipes  reusable kitchen roll unpaper towels  cloth wipes reusable cloth wipes soft cloth wipes washable wipes cheeky wipes  cloth wipes reusable cloth wipes soft cloth wipes washable wipes cheeky wipes  reusable kitchen roll unpaper towels  cloth wipes reusable cloth wipes soft cloth wipes washable wipes cheeky wipes  cloth wipes reusable cloth wipes soft cloth wipes washable wipes cheeky wipes  reusable kitchen roll unpaper towels  cloth wipes reusable cloth wipes soft cloth wipes washable wipes cheeky wipes  cloth wipes reusable cloth wipes soft cloth wipes washable wipes cheeky wipes  reusable
Bells Bumz Eco Cloth Menstrual Pads Reusable Period Pads the period incentive period pads washable period pads cloth period pads washable menstrual cloth sanitary pads cloth period pads cloth menstrual pads reusable period products sustainable period products  cloth sanitary pads cloth period pads cloth menstrual pads reusable period products sustainable period products  cloth sanitary pads cloth period pads cloth menstrual pads reusable period products sustainable period products  cloth sanitary pads cloth period pads cloth menstrual pads reusable period products sustainable period products  cloth sanitary pads cloth period pads cloth menstrual pads reusable period products sustainable period products  cloth sanitary pads cloth period pads cloth menstrual pads reusable period products sustainable period products  cloth sanitary pads cloth period pads cloth menstrual pads reusable period products sustainable period products  cloth sanitary pads cloth period pads cloth menstrual pads

Pakketti ta' 5 SWIPEEZE Roll tal-kċina li jistgħu jerġgħu jintużaw / Wipes kbar RRP £9.99

Qniepen Bumz SWIPEEZE - Għall-bżonnijiet kollha tal-kċina tiegħek u wkoll perfetta għat-tindif ta 'l-idejn, uċuħ u tixrid. Qniepen Bumz SWIPEEZE huma 25cm x 25cm u magħmula minn saffi 1 ta 'bambu naturali kontra l-batterja magħluqa fi ħdan 2 saffi ta' minky supersoft, lint u reżistenti għat-tebgħa. Artab tal-għaġeb, aborbent u ddisinjat biex jimminimizza t-tbajja ', SWIPEEZE huma l-alternattiva ta' skart żero tiegħek għal roll tal-kċina. 27cm x 27cm square​.1 saff huwa 80% viscose bambu, 20% rinforz tal-poliester, 2 saffi (saffi ta 'barra) 100% poliester minky.


Bidla u Mur - Tapit u borża tal-bdil li jistgħu jerġgħu jintużaw f'RPP wieħed £19.99

Reusabelles Change and Go huwa tapit u borża innovattivi li jinbidlu f'wieħed. Il-manki tal-ġarr jistgħu jitwaħħlu mal-pram tiegħek jew jinqabdu flimkien biex jagħmlu ċinga tal-ispalla. Hemm 4 kompartimenti għall-affarijiet essenzjali kollha tat-tarbija u tal-ġenituri tiegħek meta tkun barra u madwar. It-tapit li jbiddel innifsu huwa saff ta 'qoton tal-bambu assorbenti kkompletat b'materjal minky artab sabiħ.Ikklikkja hawn biex titgħallem aktar.


Pakkett ta' 10 wipes li jistgħu jerġgħu jintużaw RRP £9.50

Bells Bumz wipes huma magħmula minn 2 saffi ta 'bambu u għalhekk huma wkoll perfetti bħala booster slim għall-ħrieqi tiegħek. Il-bambu huwa super assorbenti, supersoft u naturalment kontra l-batterja allura x'inhu li ma tħobbx? Għandek naħa waħda li jaqbad magħmula mit-terri tal-bambu, u naħa waħda sabiħa u ratba magħmula minn velour tal-bambu. Perfetta għat-tindif ta 'qigħan mucky jew saħansitra idejn u uċuħ jew saħansitra bħala booster super SLIM għall-ħrieqi tiegħek! 14cm x 18cm kwadru​. Saff 1 huwa velour magħmul minn 55% viscose bambu, 25% qoton, 20% poliester, saff 1 huwa 80% viscose bambu, rinforz tal-poliester 20%.


Pakketti ta' 10 Breast pads / Facial Rounds RRP £12.95

Dawn ir-rawnds ta '12cm huma perfettament doppju biex jintużaw bħala pads tas-sider u rawnds tal-wiċċ.
Il-barra huma PUL appoġġjati b'saff ta 'ġewwa ta' 70% viscose bambu u 30% qoton. Saff ta 'fuq ta' velour tal-bambu Super artab biex jippermettilek li jkollok biss fibri naturali kontra l-ġilda tiegħek u li żżommok tħossok xott iżda wkoll ġentili perfett għall-wiċċ.


Pads menstruwali tad-drapp

Dawn il-pads menstruwali tad-drapp lussużi huma disponibbli f'4 daqsijiet. Id-dahar tal-pul jiÄ¡i biż-żibeÄ¡ innovattivi tagħna tas-silikonju li ma jiżolqux u żewÄ¡ għażliet snap biex ikunu adattati għad-daqsijiet kollha. Huma ffurmati għall-kumdità u biex jipprovdu l-aqwa kopertura disponibbli. Jekk jogħġbok aħsel kuluri skuri separatament. 


Liner RRP £ 3.99

2 saffi ta '70% viscose bambu u 30% qoton. Miktum b'velour tal-bambu super artab u naturali niexfa. 19cm x 9cm bejn wieħed u ieħor imkejla fl-iktar punt wiesa'. 

RRP regolari £ 4.99

3 saffi ta '70% viscose bambu u 30% qoton. Miktum b'velour tal-bambu super artab u naturali niexfa. 20cm x 9cm imkejla fl-iktar punt wiesa'. 

RRP tqil £5.99

3 saffi ta '70% viscose bambu u 30% qoton. Miktub b'velour tal-bambu super artab u naturali li jibqa' niexef.25cm x 12cm imkejjel fl-iktar punt wiesa'. 

Maxi RRP £ 6.99

4 saffi ta '70% viscose bambu u 30% qoton. Miktuma b'velour tal-bambu super artab u naturali niexfa.28cm x 13cm imkejla fl-iktar punt wiesa '. Perfetta għal ilbies bil-lejl jew wara l-partum.

Il-kejl kollu huwa approssimattiv


Mini Pods RRP £ 7.99

Dawn huma perfetti għal ħafna skopijiet differenti:

Pads tad-drapp

Borża waħda tal-bidla

Borża tal-ġugarelli tal-ivvjaġġar

Kaxxa tal-lapes

3 daqs wieħed (Ä¡did) 

lejl ħrieqi u wrap 

Dawn huma wkoll iddisinjati biex joqogħdu 4 ġewwa pod ta 'daqs standard għal organizzazzjoni perfetta.

16.5 x 10.5 x 10.5 Ä‹m madwar


Mini wetbags RRP £3.50

Il-mini wetbags huma s-soluzzjoni perfetta biex jittrattaw ma 'oġġetti li jinħaslu mxarrbin u niexfa ġewwa u barra mid-dar. Dan huwa d-daqs perfett biex tieħu wet wipes & CSP. Ikollhom waħda għal nadif u waħda għal maħmuġin. 20cm x 16cm. Zip Uniku.


Bil-prodotti kollha tagħna minħabba li dawn huma fibra naturali ammont żgħir ta 'jinxtorob maż-żmien huwa normali u huwa mistenni. 


100% Qoton Tote Bags RRP £ 6.99

Tagħna 100% Qoton Tote Bags huma borża ta 'daqs kbir malji parti għall-ventilazzjoni (kbir għal meta jixtru frott jew ħaxix) perfetta għal borża tax-xiri li tista' terġa 'tintuża, irrakkmati bis-sħiħ b'għażla ta' "Totes Livin' the Cloth Nappy Life" jew "Totes Judgin ' il-borża tal-plastik tiegħek". Il-basktijiet tat-tote tagħna għandhom ċineg ta 'l-ispalla itwal biex faċilment imorru fuq l-ispalla anke liebes ħwejjeġ goffi. Daqs appross. 45cm x 40cm


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